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Tutorial : Chart with legend 
and advance properties



Tutorial Graphic


Tutorial : Chart with legend and advance properties

Graphic-03: Tutorial der Komponente Graphic vom PHP FrameWork WebSite-PHP.

Tutorial : Chart with legend and advance properties:

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Datei: /pages/tutorials/graphic/graphic-03.php

class Graphic03 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : Chart with legend 
                            and advance properties"
$this->render = new Chart("chart-03");
// init data
$array_chart_data = array();
$array_chart_data2 = array();
$array_chart_data3 = array();
        for (
$i=0$i 12$i++) {
$date = ($i<10?"0".$i:$i)."/01/".date("Y")." 00:00:00";
$array_chart_data[] = array(strtotime($date), rand(099));
$array_chart_data2[] = array(strtotime($date), rand(099));
$array_chart_data3[] = array(strtotime($date), rand(099));
// set points of the graphics
$this->render->addPoints("Data 1"
$this->render->addPoints("Data 2"
$this->render->addPoints("Data 3"
// display legend
// define X as date
// define Y axis max
// add mouse tracking

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