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Tutorial : LeafLetJS Maps
            with different layers



Tutoriel Maps


Tutorial : LeafLetJS Maps with different layers

Maps-04: Tutoriel du composants Maps du FrameWork PHP WebSite-PHP.

Tutorial : LeafLetJS Maps with different layers:

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Code source

Code source

Fichier: /pages/tutorials/maps/maps-04.php

class Maps04 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : LeafLetJS Maps
                    with different layers"

// You can find different layers on this page:

$this->render = new WSPObject();

// Default layer
$map1 = new MapLeafLet("map04_1");
$map1->addMarker("Paris France""Paris");

// Modify default layer
$map2 = new MapLeafLet("map04_2");
$map2->addMarker("Paris France""Paris");
"&copy; <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> &copy; ".
"<a href=\"\">CartoDB</a>");

// Use 2 layers (tiles)
$map3 = new MapLeafLet("map04_3");
$map3->addMarker("Paris France""Paris");
"Tiles Courtesy of <a href=\"\">MapQuest</a>");
"&copy; <a href=\"\">Thunderforest</a>, &copy; ".
"<a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a>");


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