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Tutorial Combobox



Tutorial Combobox

Tutorial 1 : Simple ComboBox
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-01.php

class Combobox01 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : Simple ComboBox";
$this->render = new ComboBox($this);
$this->render->addItem("value 1""value 1");
$this->render->addItem("value 2""value 2");
$this->render->addItem("value 3""value 3");
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");

Tutorial 2 : Simple ComboBox with picture
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-02.php

class Combobox02 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : Simple ComboBox with 
$this->render = new ComboBox($this);
$this->render->addItem("value 1""value 1"
$this->render->addItem("value 2""value 2"
$this->render->addItem("value 3""value 3"
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");

Tutorial 3 : Simple ComboBox with picture and group
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-03.php

class Combobox03 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : Simple ComboBox with 
                                picture and group"
$this->render = new ComboBox($this);
$this->render->addItem("value 1""value 1"
false"img/home.png""Group 1");
$this->render->addItem("value 2""value 2"
false"img/doc.png""Group 1");
$this->render->addItem("value 3""value 3"
false"img/contact.png""Group 2");
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");

Tutorial 4 : ComboBox with javascript alert on change
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-04.php

class Combobox04 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : ComboBox with javascript 
                                alert on change"
$this->render = new ComboBox($this);
$this->render->addItem("value 1""value 1");
$this->render->addItem("value 2""value 2");
$this->render->addItem("value 3""value 3");
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");

Tutorial 5 : ComboBox with form
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-05.php

class Combobox05 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : ComboBox with form";
$form = new Form($this);
$combo = new ComboBox($form);
$combo->addItem("value 1""value 1");
$combo->addItem("value 2""value 2");
$combo->addItem("value 3""value 3");
$this->render $form;
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");

Tutorial 6 : ComboBox with form, callback method on change
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-06.php

class Combobox06 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : ComboBox with form, 
                                    callback method on change"
$form = new Form($this);
$combo = new ComboBox($form);
$combo->addItem("value 1""value 1");
$combo->addItem("value 2""value 2");
$combo->addItem("value 3""value 3");
$this->render $form;
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");
    public function 
onChangeCombo($sender) {
$this->addObject(new JavaScript("alert('change');"));

Tutorial 7 : ComboBox with form, callback method on change in AJAX
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-07.php

class Combobox07 extends Page {
$combo null;
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : ComboBox with form, 
                            callback method on change in AJAX"
$form = new Form($this);
$this->combo = new ComboBox($form);
$this->combo->addItem("value 1""value 1");
$this->combo->addItem("value 2""value 2");
$this->combo->addItem("value 3""value 3");
$this->render $form;
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/>");
    public function 
onChangeCombo($sender) {
$dialog = new DialogBox("onChangeCombo"

Tutorial 8 : ComboBox with advance style
Datei: /pages/tutorials/combobox/combobox-08.php

class Combobox08 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : ComboBox with advance 
$this->render = new ComboBox($this);
$this->render->addItem("value 1""value 1"
false"img/home.png""Group 1");
$this->render->addItem("value 2""value 2"
false"img/doc.png""Group 1");
$this->render->addItem("value 3""value 3"
false"img/contact.png""Group 2");
$this->render = new WSPObject($this->render"<br/><br/>");



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